Read faster. Write better.

Quickly find info in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes and write with the power of AI.

Join 650,000+ researchers

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Trusted by thousands of researchers and students

From the classroom to the boardroom.

It all starts with your information sources.

Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of any document so you can quickly find, summarize and understand info. No more endless skimming.

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Exactly what you need at the exact moment you need it.

Unriddle understands the meaning behind your writing and automatically links you to relevant things you’ve read and written about in the past.

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Easily write, cite and uncover hidden themes.

Highlight text and Unriddle will show you the most relevant sources from your library using AI. Never lose a citation again.

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Explore more ideas.
Wade through less pages.

Graph view

Visualize relationships between items in your library to find connections.

Chrome extension

Reading on the web? Summarize any article with a single click using our browser extension.

90+ languages supported

Including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and more.

Full control

Adjust the model, temperature and response length in settings.

Intelligence baked in

Auto-generated prompts, relations, titles, sorting and more.

Group sources

Interact with many documents at once to find information across several sources.

Friends of Unriddle

See what people are saying.

Zeyu Yao


I'm using unriddle ai right now for my research into single-cell multiomics frameworks, and it's amazing!


this is craaazy useful. university students today don’t know how good they have it!
Riley Brown


my friend I've been looking for this tool for months
Kumail Hunaid 😎


If you read PDFs at all for work or research, you should really try out @unriddle_ai. It's excellent. I'm in awe of the product, I think you'll be too.
Angie Gonzalez 🌸


Wow, this is super useful!! I wish I had this when I was in college. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


This note-taking tool is a game-changer! No more brackets or manual linking. It uses GPT-4 to automatically connect notes based on context and meaning.
🏁 TC


As a phd candidate, @unriddle_ai is my number 1 research tool and application for annotations, lit reviews and manuscripts.
Sam Casey


Unriddle is the best AI-based writing tool I’ve used so far, go check it out


Unriddle makes diving into research papers so much easier and quicker. A must-try tool!
Zeyu Yao


I'm using unriddle ai right now for my research into single-cell multiomics frameworks, and it's amazing!


this is craaazy useful. university students today don’t know how good they have it!
Riley Brown


my friend I've been looking for this tool for months
Kumail Hunaid 😎


If you read PDFs at all for work or research, you should really try out @unriddle_ai. It's excellent. I'm in awe of the product, I think you'll be too.
Angie Gonzalez 🌸


Wow, this is super useful!! I wish I had this when I was in college. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


This note-taking tool is a game-changer! No more brackets or manual linking. It uses GPT-4 to automatically connect notes based on context and meaning.
🏁 TC


As a phd candidate, @unriddle_ai is my number 1 research tool and application for annotations, lit reviews and manuscripts.
Sam Casey


Unriddle is the best AI-based writing tool I’ve used so far, go check it out


Unriddle makes diving into research papers so much easier and quicker. A must-try tool!
Zeyu Yao


I'm using unriddle ai right now for my research into single-cell multiomics frameworks, and it's amazing!


this is craaazy useful. university students today don’t know how good they have it!
Riley Brown


my friend I've been looking for this tool for months
Kumail Hunaid 😎


If you read PDFs at all for work or research, you should really try out @unriddle_ai. It's excellent. I'm in awe of the product, I think you'll be too.
Angie Gonzalez 🌸


Wow, this is super useful!! I wish I had this when I was in college. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


This note-taking tool is a game-changer! No more brackets or manual linking. It uses GPT-4 to automatically connect notes based on context and meaning.
🏁 TC


As a phd candidate, @unriddle_ai is my number 1 research tool and application for annotations, lit reviews and manuscripts.
Sam Casey


Unriddle is the best AI-based writing tool I’ve used so far, go check it out


Unriddle makes diving into research papers so much easier and quicker. A must-try tool!
Zeyu Yao


I'm using unriddle ai right now for my research into single-cell multiomics frameworks, and it's amazing!


this is craaazy useful. university students today don’t know how good they have it!
Riley Brown


my friend I've been looking for this tool for months
Kumail Hunaid 😎


If you read PDFs at all for work or research, you should really try out @unriddle_ai. It's excellent. I'm in awe of the product, I think you'll be too.
Angie Gonzalez 🌸


Wow, this is super useful!! I wish I had this when I was in college. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


This note-taking tool is a game-changer! No more brackets or manual linking. It uses GPT-4 to automatically connect notes based on context and meaning.
🏁 TC


As a phd candidate, @unriddle_ai is my number 1 research tool and application for annotations, lit reviews and manuscripts.
Sam Casey


Unriddle is the best AI-based writing tool I’ve used so far, go check it out


Unriddle makes diving into research papers so much easier and quicker. A must-try tool!

From first drafts to final touches, ensure your words always shine.

Generate text with AI-autocomplete to improve and expand your writing, with all suggestions based on the context of what you're working on.

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Bring your team into the mix with Unriddle Teams.

Step into a collaborative workspace where everyone can contribute and chat with the same documents in real-time.

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